Cloud & DC Solutions

Cloud & DC Solutions

Today, chances are you rely on cloud computing to solve the challenges faced by all businesses, whether you’re firing off emails on the move or using a bunch of apps to help you manage your workload.

In short, cloud is fast becoming the new NORMAL. By the end of 2015 it’s estimated that 90% of all businesses will be using at least one cloud service.

Cloud computing increases efficiency, helps improve cash flow and offers many more benefits. The cloud will continue to evolve and the latest innovations are helping businesses be more mobile and collaborative.

Cloud Solutions and Services

Cloud Security

  • Perimeter security
  • Network security software
  • Endpoint security solutions
  • Application Security

Customer Relationship Management

  • Customer relationship management tools
  • Leading CRM platforms
  • Customer management solutions

Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

  • Hybrid Cloud Assessment
  • Scalable IT architecture solutions
  • Multisite consolidation and migration

Web Conferencing and Enterprise Voice

  • Enterprise voice services
  • Web conferencing solutions
  • Videoconferencing services

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Industry-leading providers
  • Private & public computing solutions
  • Business continuity & disaster recovery

Office Productivity Applications

  • Solutions that maximize the workday
  • Office productivity tools
  • Office productivity software


  • Flexibility – Scalable on demand
  • Automatic Software Update
  • No Capital Expenditure – Pay As You Go
  • Work from Anywhere – Increased Collaboration
  • Highly Secure – Better than your local environment
  • Rock Solid – reliability insured.

Cloud Service Providers

  • Microsoft Azure
  • Amazon Web Services
  • IBM – Softlayer
  • Google – Cloud

Want to Move to CLOUD

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